Monday, January 16, 2012

Father Wasson Angels of Light Program in Haiti

Dear Friends,

Today is a very special day for all involved in the Father Wasson Angels of Light (FWAL)
program of NPFS Haiti.


Four days after the earthquake of January 12, 2010, our program began operating out of a few tents where children could come to spend part of the day, away from the misery and share in a little joy and comfort of playing games and receiving a meal.

Now, two years, later FWAL has two homes where 183 children are living in a safe
environment, and we just finished the construction of our beautiful new primary school for a total of 800 children (including those who live in our homes). We have 128 staff working for our program, working for our children, with energy and a lots of love.

We are very grateful to all of those who helped and supported us from the beginning and who are still doing so. All our children thank you, and we hope that you will celebrate this day with us in thought and prayer.

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