Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I will never be whole again as part of me remains at Rancho Santa Fe...

The below post is written by wonderful friend and supporter, Jenna Bishop, who recently visited NPH Honduras. 

I'm not sure how a single trip can simultaneously blow my mind and break my heart, but my recent trip to Honduras accomplished just that. Traveling to NPH Honduras was eye-opening, challenging, incredible, and unforgettable. I will never be whole again as part of me remains at Rancho Santa Fe... 

Though I wouldn't call it a "vacation" (unless you traditionally spend part of vacation in a henhouse or shoveling bunny turds), I can say without a doubt that it was a meaningful getaway. Away from some modern luxuries, I discovered a different pace of life, was given new opportunities to experience joy, and witnessed what hard work really looks like. The staff did [and continues to do] so much with relatively so little, and yet they are raising beautifully strong children on a daily basis. Their overall work ethic was humbling to say the least, and the sense of family/community present on the ranch was equally awe-inspiring. NPH's dedication and commitment to children is almost tangible; what a gift that I was able to see it firsthand.

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