Wednesday, February 8, 2012

When you make the difference in the life of a make a difference in your own life as well.

Read this wonderful sponsorship testimonial by Vic Roers from St. Paul, Minnesota.

On February 7, 2012 my life officially took on more meaning. My NPH story originally began in August of 2011 when my employer offered me $1000 in grant assistance to travel to NPH Honduras. At that time I discovered Friends of the Orphans and arranged to travel with them to Honduras. It was a week that would change my life forever.

While in Honduras I connected with a shy seven-year-old named Carmen. Carmen arrived at NPH Honduras in May 2011 and seemed to be right at home with her new family. While she speaks no English and I speak very little Spanish, we were still able to communicate and connect with each other over the course of my ten-day visit. LOVE speaks its own special language. Quality time and lots of hugs went a long way with making a connection with Carmen. I can smile fluently in Spanish... and I smiled at every opportunity! Carmen and I were able to spend a fair amount of time together as the children were on break from school during my visit. I joined her for the evening meals when possible and we had an opportunity to dance and sing and play every day. By the end of my third day at NPH Honduras it was clear to me that I would be traveling back to Honduras again and again.

Another highlight of my visit was becoming acquainted with a very special priest by the name of Father Ken Hume, who the children affectionately refer to as "Padre Tortilla". Padre Tortilla is from Oregon and sponsors 14 children at NPH Honduras! His sponsorship commitment really inspired me! After a review of my finances, I felt that if Padre Tortilla can sponsor 14 children on his retired income, I could certainly find a way to commit to sponsoring ONE!

Upon my return to Minnesota, there have been numerous opportunities to share the NPH experience with friends, family, co-workers and my church community. Going forward I will be speaking to local schools and social organizations to educate them about NPH and share the sponsorship opportunity! On February 7th I officially became a sponsor/Godmother to Carmen. I am pleased to share that several of my friends will be joining me in beginning their sponsorship journey through Friends of the Orphans as well. It has given me great joy to match up children with loving and encouraging sponsors!

While I miss Carmen and the other children at NPH Honduras every day, I have come to appreciate the longing that I have in my heart. It speaks of a very real love that knows no language or limits. Carmen chose to invest in ME. You see.... when you arrive at one of the NPH locations, the children know that you will be there for only a short time. They also know that when they have connected with you it will be sad for them to say "good-bye" when you leave. That said... they are still willing to invest in you!!

On February 7th I became a Godparent to a very special young lady. Will you sponsor a child? Please join your local Friends of the Orphans regional office in celebrating National Godparents Month - activities are planned throughout the month! When you make a difference in the life of a child... you make a difference in your own life as well. Go...make a difference!

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